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A Miniature Breed of Dairy Goat

Goats can be 'easy keepers' but they have specific needs and diets. Goats are not an impulse pet, and we highly recommend starting with your first goat with as much knowledge and education you can gather prior to bringing them home. It's the difference from a healthy, happy animal or learning not enough, a little too late.


We are adding resources on the website and linking to other great authors and tools you can use to prepare for goat ownership. Before any goat leaves the ranch we want to make sure you're fully ready and prepared to have a great life together. We love our furry family members and try to do our best by them. 



Goats are escape artists which can land them in danger. Having the area fenced and ready is essential. 


Shelter from weather, sun, rain, wind and or course predators is important along with the animal's comfort.

Diet & Water

Diet is what makes or breaks an animal's long-term health and can lead to many preventable health issues.


Goats will take routine vaccines, supplements, and grooming such as trimming their hooves to keep them in tip top form.

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Available goats can be found on the Livestock page.

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