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How to legally sell chicks in California

Alex Mullenax

Selling chicks is something a lot of small farms and homestead offer each year. Fortunately, it’s easy to get licensed to legally sell those chicks or fertilized hatching eggs.

The same permit required for selling eggs, be they hatching eggs or for human consumption has a checkbox to mark for hatchery purposes.

If you plan on selling chicks and eggs (be they hatching and/or human consumption) this only takes one permit for the year. Read our post on Selling or giving away eggs in California for more information on the permit and egg handling.

You may also need a sellers permit with the State Board of Equalization or a business license for the area you’re in. Make sure to do your own research on these items.

CDFA’s main page for Egg Handler Permit (including Hatchery):

New Registrant Application:

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