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Work Lights; Rechargeable & Outdoor Use


Let's face it, the sunlight may disappear but the work load doesn't. When you have work to continue after dark, equipment that needs fixing and animals that need care - good lights on the farm are essential. These are our top 3 we wouldn't be without.

#1 Fenix headlamp. I've actually got a glowing long review of this item here (Click Here to View) but in short, this is our go-to light and we each have our own pre-sized for each of us and marked with a dab of paint so we know who's whose. They're lightweight and small, powerful and perfect for almost any job, especially solo work.

Fenix rechargeable headlamp
Fenix headlamp

Fenix headlamp - Our Amazon Affiliate link:

#2 E POWER 360 is a versatile work light, which use to be carried by Costco. We LOVE this light. Not only is it powerful, long-lasting and bright but the side lights detach to magnetize and be used elsewhere and it's been great in all sorts of weather and conditions for us.

Each light can be turned on individually, and is highly position-able. The handle also makes it an easy grab and go option on the farm when you're in a hurry and need a powerful light. We've used ours in the rain, snow, mud, high winds. It charges via a micro-USB. We were very bummed when Costco stopped carrying it, but Amazon currently has it which is great news if you could use a light of this caliber.

E POWER 360 rechargeable work light

E POWER 360 - Our Amazon Affiliate link:

#3 Feit Electric set of two portable work lights. They are magnetic and also have a hook for hanging. We got ours from Costco years back when they carried them and love them.

They have a handle and are rechargeable via micro-USB. Adjustable brightness with three levels and battery indicator lights. The only thing I would improve on them is the cover for the charging port, which is not built as well as the rest of the unit.

I often grab and go in a hurry when I need a light, whether walking down to check on an animal in the dark, or keep on-hand in my vehicle. They've also been handy as additional lighting on a project or extracting a vehicle from the mud/snow at night as a compliment to our E POWER 360.

Feit Electric rechargeable worklight
Feit Electric

There's also a USB port for charging your electronics, though we haven't tried this part out ourselves.

Set of 2 Feit Electric work lights - Our Amazon Affiliate link:

As always, you can search and find these items on your own. If you'd like to use our links our farm gets a small portion of the sale via the seller. We ONLY recommend products we ourselves use, have used for awhile, and believe to be of great quality.


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